CT Hockey 4v4

To view team schedules and standings, please click on a division page below:


Teams will play with 4 skaters and a goalie.

2:00 Warm-up

Games will consist of two 25:00 running time halves (time permitting)

  • 0:30 rest time in between halves
  • No timeouts
  • No overtime for regular season play

All games will be officiated using USA Hockey game rules 

All games will abide by off-sides and icing rules

Penalties committed will result in a "jailbreak" penalty shot

  • Player who infraction was committed upon will start with the puck at the red line, all other players will start at the far blue line, upon whistle, all players will “go”
  • Players committing 4 penalties in a game will be ejected

NOTE: There will be a 6 goal differential for all games.

REMINDER: This is summer hockey! Teams are encouraged to swap goalies and/or players to level out any lopsided game!

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